Summer racing. See winter running outfit farther down in article. |
(8-18) Steve DeBoer is 63 (born: December '54) and
lives in Rochester, MN. He is a registered dietitian nutritionist at the Mayo
Clinic. He started running in high
school (1968) to get in shape for junior varsity basketball but got cut and
decided “running wasn’t so bad.” In
April of 1969, DeBoer started his first streak of daily one-mile or longer
runs, which lasted nine months until he sprained his ankle. Since June 7, 1971 he has run a minimum of
one mile every day since. Currently he
is third in line for maintaining the longest running streak in the world
according to the US Running Streak Association. His brother and dad were also
streakers, so it must “run” in the family.
Started running/years running? March 1968 – 50 years.
Why did you start running? To get in shape for JV basketball but got cut from the
team. I started running daily April 9, 1969, but a bad ankle sprain February
19, 1970 (at basketball practice, as I did make the team the next year) stopped
me for a few days. Who knows, if there
had been a US Running streak association back then, I might have taped the
ankle and kept the